I met with one of my Discipler on campus some weeks ago, when we he first saw me what He said was that since many years we see last, I didn’t increase or decrease in height and width and I was laughing. And I started to be looking at my stature and campus memories begins to be coming back to me. When I had the opportunity to be the Central Christian Body President and we were to be welcoming the freshers to campus and be helping them with their registration, you’ll see some freshers just reacting to you as if…
Author: healingnexusblog
You all know that story of three blind men taken to the Zoo to touch an Elephant. When each was asked to describe what an elephant looks like, they all said three different things based on their experiences. The first one had touched the trunk of the Elephant and so, said an Elephant is like a long rope. Another had touched the skin and said an Elephant is like a wall. The last one touched the tail and so, he said an Elephant is short and full of hairs. Your mentor is like a dice 🎲, they have up to…
Some of you read part one where I emphasized accessibility as a factor in choosing a spiritual father and you said you were blessed. All the glory to God. In this second part, I want to talk about young men and ladies who get annoyed when an elder to them refer to them as “my son” or “my daughter”. We were having devotion in the house yesterday with some of my children and leaders in the ministry when they told me how people try to adopt them overnight and put a stamp of ” my son”, “my daughter” on them.…
There is power in confessing the word of God, the Lord told the people of Israel to speak the word while sitting, walking, lying down and rising up. He even told them to put it on their gates. God ask them to do this because it is their biggest secret to access divine health. “And ye shall teach your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down and when thou risest up. And thou shalt writ them upon the door posts of thine house, and upon thy…
1. He was never a G.O of a denomination but served under the Assemblies of God Church 2. He pastored the world largest church in South Korea of over 830,000 members as of 2007. 3. He preached his sermon with utmost simplicity than I have ever seen in anyone. 4. He introduced “cell system” as a strategy of church growth to the body of Christ. 5. He had an health issue which he developed as a young pastor because he wasn’t resting or delegating his works. 6. The illness caused him to faint severally. He almost fainted on his wedding…
Corper Weeeeeee😀 Welcome to the concluding part of this series. I talked about service as a means of creating the needed job in the previous session. If you missed the first 2 sessions, you can have them back via these links: Part 1:https://healingnexusblog.com/post-nysc-phobia-part-1/ Part2: https://healingnexusblog.com/post-nysc-phobia-part-2/ In the previous session, I promised to teach on how to create the work we need through the instrumentality of Faith. FAITH Let me start by explaining to us that Faith is an action word(verb), not a noun. There are different kinds of Faith; 👉Saving faith Ephesians 2:8 👉Gift of Faith 1Corinthians 12:9 👉Fruit of…
Fear is belittling the ability and capability of God. Anything that is fearful is not of faith, and anything that is not of faith is a sin. Fear is Spiritual, so we must deal with it Spiritually. What am I to do to overcome the fear of joblessness after my service year? Fear is belittling the ability and capability of God 1. SERVICE If you are a believer, you must let this settle in you that you’re saved and sanctified so as to serve in God’s vineyard. But there are some believers who are saved , sanctified and are satisfied.…
In part one, I explained how crypto works. I talked about why it may go up and why it may come down as it is currently. I explained that if it will blossom, there are three ways to do it. The first is Government Policy. I explained that if countries approve it as a legal tender, it will become gold for the holders. But so far, more countries are banning it, some zoned it under some financial regulations but none have adopted it fully except for El-Salvador. In the first part, I also mentioned the reason why governments are reluctant…
For the Non-Nigerian that may be graced to be reading this article, The word NYSC means National Youth Service Corps. It is a scheme by the Nigerian Government to ensure that all Nigerian Students that graduated from the Higher institutions of learning, serve their fatherland. NYSC is the bridge between Nigerian Youths and their career(s), because after NYSC, 80% of the Nigerian students face (their) careers squarely. Alhough, there are some that still go further in their educational pursuits, but the percentage is usually low, compared to the number of those who stop or face (their) career squarely. PRE-NYSC JOY…
“DIDASKO” is a Greek word which means “to teach”. The commanded mission (Commission) that Jesus gave to His disciples is in two (2) phases; To I’m preach and to Teach. It is the preaching that brings people to the fold while the teaching maintains and keeps them. The reason why we have so many half-baked Christians today, is because they were only exposed to the preaching ministry and couldn’t wait to be taught. Jesus Christ being our Lord and saviour, understood this Principle. He formed the habit of staying under the teachings of the religious teacher(s) in the temple and…