Author: healingnexusblog

ABOUT THE BOOK The fiercest spiritual battle Satan is waging against believers is not poverty or generational curses, it is sin. Adam had everything, yet he was tempted to sin. Every situation and challenge Satan throws at a man is a means to an end, and that end is sin. It was this war Paul fought in his flesh till he encountered Christ. When he encountered Christ, the war did not end but the dimension changed. The battle for holy living is a long term one that we will continue to fight till Jesus comes, or till we leave the…

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ABOUT THE BOOK Confess this book daily and you will see your will align with the will to live holy and trample that sin under your feet, just as the Scriptures say, His spirit willeth in us to do according to his will. Jesus said the word I speak unto you, they are living agents and life giving spirits (paraphrased). That means if Jesus speaks the word of sound health to you, the spirits (i.e, words) will become health giving spirits in you. If He speaks the words of fruitfulness, the spirit of the word will become a child in…

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ABOUT THE BOOK Confess this book daily and you will see your will align with the will to live holy and trample that sin under your feet, just as the Scriptures say, His spirit willeth in us to do according to his will. Jesus said the word I speak unto you, they are living agents and life giving spirits (paraphrased). That means if Jesus speaks the word of sound health to you, the spirits (i.e, words) will become health giving spirits in you. If He speaks the words of fruitfulness, the spirit of the word will become a child in…

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Are all believers an evangelist is a question that was asked in a bible study class I found years back, the question emanated from these two verses of the bible 2 Timothy 4:5 & Ephesians 4:11 2 Timothy 4:5 [5]But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, DO THE WORK OF AN EVANGELIST, make full proof of thy ministry. Ephesians 4:11 [11]And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and SOME EVANGELIST; and some, pastors and teachers; The person that asked this question thought was thought was that everyone should be an evangelist since the work of an Evangelist is…

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METHODS OF PREACHING 1. ONE-MINUTE GOSPEL: This is a quick method of preaching the gospel, you can use this method to win 50 souls in less than 30 minutes, I learned this method from my spiritual father, and it goes thus: You: Good evening, Beloved. Beneficiary: Good evening. You: Can you please give me 2 minutes out of your time? Beneficiary: For what purpose? You: I just want to preach to you about Jesus. Beneficiary: Go ahead. You: Have you given your life to Jesus? If Yes: Beneficiary: Yes. You: When? Beneficiary: So, so and so date… You: Encourage them…

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Tonight, we are discussing the Creation and the Fall of Man, as narrated in the first chapters of Genesis. Though these chapters appear brief, they are some of the most profound verses in Scripture, filled with deep mysteries. Creation of Man: The first man, Adam, is introduced in Genesis 1:26: *And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.*…

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In this article, we will talk about the Creation. Do you know that science believes this earth is up to 6.5 billion years old? Meanwhile, using the Bible historical outline, it’s just 6,000 years old. That’s what we want to clarify here. Let’s start like this. Basically, it is believed that God appeared one day and created the heaven and the earth in just six days and rested on the seventh day. That is what you have always believed and known, right? If that’s all you believe, you have believed rightly and it’s enough. What we want to do tonight…

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It’s common for people to rely heavily on dreams, but after tonight’s teaching, I hope you’ll seek a deeper, more direct connection with God. Key Point from part 1 of this Study If You Don’t Dream, It’s Okay – Not everyone dreams frequently, and that’s perfectly normal. God primarily wants to communicate through His Spirit. If You Do Dream, Consider These Points: 1. Dreams as Products of the Mind – Dreams often stem from our fears, worries, and anxieties. – For example, dreaming about needing to urinate is a reflection of a physical need, showing that dreams can be rooted…

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Tonight’s Bible study focuses on Dreams, the Fallen Man, and the Spirit Man. We’ll examine dreams from a new perspective, seeking to understand their role and significance for both the fallen man and the spirit man, as revealed in Scripture. Man: Spirit and Soul 1. Creation of Man: – Genesis 1:27 states that God created man in His own image, which means man was originally a spirit because God is Spirit (John 4:24). – Genesis 2:7 describes how God formed man’s body from the dust and breathed life into him, making man a living soul. The Hebrew word *rûach* and…

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Tonight, let’s talk about EDITING YOUR CIRCLE. You know I said my emphasis would be on sexual addictions. Look around you, your circle of close or distant friends—are they more spiritual than you? The Bible says EVIL COMMUNICATION CORRUPTS GOOD MANNERS. Those whose status you often see, do they say things that turn you on? Those you follow on Facebook and other social media, do they edify? What kind of songs do they sing? What kind of jokes and comedy skits do they upload? If you don’t have a boyfriend, you shouldn’t have a friend that has a boyfriend or…

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