Author: healingnexusblog

Tonight, we want to examine OVERCOMING ADDICTION. Our focus will be mainly on sexual-related addictions, but lessons can be related to other areas of life addictions, including laziness. Let me start by telling you a Bible History. It’s about the Holy Communion or what people call the sacrament. Today in churches, what they serve as Holy Communion is just a crumb of bread and a drop of wine or zobo. Do you know that in the Bible times, what they served was a whole MEAL? In fact, they called it Love Feast. People were allowed to bring wine and food.…

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I know that you know that there are a lot of benefits attached to long hours prayers which I may not be able to to be showing you in this article, you can check for it in this my article : But the aim of this article is to tell you how to show you how you can pray for three(3) at a go with ease. Follow these steps as I show you. 1. Prepare your heart that you will be praying for the next 3 hours, so do away with any distractions that may be around you. 2.…

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NB is not fighting to clear his name or to avenge or revenge. We already know those rogues are high on social media impressions. He is fighting for you and me. He is fighting for all believers and even unbelievers. This nonsense has been on for a while. They don’t care about the names people have built, they don’t care about their mental health and that of their families especially the little children involved. All they care about is the money that comes to them through the engagement. While the Christian community was mourning a female song minister that died…

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It is God’s will that men raise men. When Jesus was leaving earth, He told His disciples to go and make more disciples. This sacred duty isn’t meant for just 12 Jesus disciples, it’s for all believers who claim to be disciples of Jesus Christ. And who is a disciple? A disciple is a follower of someone. Jesus disciples were His disciples because they followed Him. They patterned their life after Jesus. But this is a responsibility that has been delegated to each and every believer who is committed to walking within the boundries of God’s word. Here are practical…

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Leaving all the figuring out to God. Many believers don’t understand that- as much as it is impossible to please God without faith, having faith does not mean you are the one to figure out how God must do it. That is boxing God in and it will almost always get you into trouble. God is a God of order. Oftentimes, He tells is what He wants to do first, then encourages us to hold on in faith and patience, so we can inherit the promise. Unfortunately, for many Christians, we take the prophecy as a signal to plan how…

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I attended a programme recently where several guest ministers were invited. I’ll focus on two of them. The first was the main minister. He had about four sessions. Somehow, he was struggling with the theme all through. He did preach well and I was ministered to but you know that feeling of, “this is not his best”. He was scanning for the network all through. You know when a fish is in shallow water and when it’s in a river. The other minister only had a session. Throughout I was there, I didn’t even hear him mention the theme for…

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One of the health cases I usually attend to is fibroid-related. In the last four weeks, I had at least one case per week. As a healing minister, here is my advice. Herbs don’t cure fibroid. You will always see someone who tells you that they know someone who was cured by some herbs. Some will even say, “their wife or sister”. Ask them for pre and post-medical test results, no proof but they will tell you “Trust me bro” and then, introduce a herb to you. Those concoctions are always expensive. They are usually almost HALF OF THE SURGERY…

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Asking if it’s right to end a relationship with a lady because of dramatic mood swings. “Mood swings no matter how dramatic is not enough reason to end a serious relationship. However, it’s enough reason to stay unmarried for the rest of your life”. What do I mean? Even if you leave a lady because her mood swings take a toll on you, it is still another lady you will get engaged with except you have decided not to marry at all. That you have a female friend who didn’t take her mood out on you doesn’t mean she does…

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Last week, Twitter was divided over how to treat the female gender when they are undergoing diverse mood swings prompted by hormonal changes or otherwise. Here’s my view: Fact #1. Humans are very powerful beings and there’s no mood or instinct or feeling or emotion that a human has no control over, he hasn’t just found enough reason to control it. Fact #2 Men have mood swings and emotions too, the only difference is that society has made the boy child feel absolutely responsible for how he behaves regardless of how he feels. That’s why you hear: men don’t cry…

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A tweet generated attention. The young man said he was divorcing his wife because he couldn’t be negotiating for X(sex). He said he helps with the house chores but they only had X twice in 2years. He believed the wife starved him of intercourse in marriage which she freely gave to him in courtship. Many people in the comment session believed wives starved husbands to get one thing or the other from them, especially in MONOGAMY.Some wives may starve their husbands intentionally but in most cases, it is not an act of starvation or direct wickedness. There is more to…

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