The Mystery of Name[Part 5](Every named name). The greatest name in a class room is the name of the class monitor.The greatest name among the students in a school is the name of the Senior Prefect.The greatest name in a private school is the name of the Proprietor’s name.The greatest name in a College of Education is the Provost’s name.The greatest name in a Polytechnic is the Rector’s name.The greatest name in the University is the Vice Chancellor’s name.The greatest name in a state is the State Governor’s name.The greatest name in a country is the President’s name.The greatest name…
Author: healingnexusblog
THE MYSTERY OF NAME [Part3](In My Name) I remembered my days on campus when I was graced to be the Central Christian Body (CCB) President. As a president, I used to forward many letters to bodies outside which must bear my name and name of Patron of the body. At a time I couldn’t get across to the patron and I needed to send a letter. What I did was to write the name of the Patron and scanned his signature on the letter. What I did got to the notice of the Patron and he explained to me the…
Welcome to Healing Nexus There’s power in confessing the word of God, the Lord admonish the people of Israel to always speaks the word while sitting, walking, lying down and rising up, He even admonished them to put it upon their gates, God ask them to do this because it is their biggest secret of Divine health. Deuteronomy 11:19-20[19]And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.[20]And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thine…
Welcome to Healing Nexus. Still on the series of name, the name of a person is an adjective that qualifies the attributes of that person. It depicts one’s personality. Whenever a person’s name is called, the person’s himself is called to appear in that place. And that’s what is called incarnation: it means giving something a body form. I remember when I wanted to take my admission into the higher institution, I was to fill a form which bears my name and the form was sent through the institution website with all the necessary credentials that were needed. Note that…
Welcome to Healing Nexus There’s a popular question in the mind of all Bible believers and the question is WHO MADE JOB SICK? God or Devil? Let me inform you that God was not the one who afflicted Job with sickness! Here is how it went: A. Devil made Job sick,B. Job permitted it,C. God healed him. Here are the biblical references:DEVIL MADE JOB SICKJob 2:7 – “So went Satan forth from the presence of the LORD, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown”. JOB ALLOWED IT BY NEGATIVE THOUGHT/FEARJob 3:25 -…
THE MYSTERY OF NAME [ Part 2](Naming Ceremony) Welcome to Healing Nexus. We are still on the Mystery of Name series. Last week we considered the Anointing which is in us that makes us to be called Christians. We are considering the naming ceremony today. A name can still be seen as what a person is addressed or identified as. I have been to many naming ceremonies and whenever the Pastor or the minister in charge wants to give a name to the baby, the minister would always say these words, “And the baby shall be CALLED…” And whatsoever ever…
Welcome to Healing Nexus🕺🏻 The real proof that a product is real is the testimony received from people that have tasted it. Welcome to the 4th part of the testimony gathered from Healing Nexus. LEG PAIN INSTANTLY HEALED During your ministration, you said instant healing would take place and it did. I was having leg pain, then and you said we should do what we couldn’t do before and I was jumping. That was the end of the leg pain.Amolese O. LIBERATED FROM SICKNESS VIA HEALING NEXUS Ohh!!! Glory to God for His mind being poured out in each of…
Welcome to Healing Nexus. We are starting a series on “Name” today. To start with, let’s define the concept. What is Name?Name can be seen as an attribute or set of words by which a person or thing is known, addressed or referred to. Assuming you’re in a meeting and everybody is asked to introduce themselves and people start mentioning names and then someone stands up and says, “My name is Jesus Christopher” or “Trump Charles”; people’s attention will be drawn to the two people because of the name they’ve mentioned. Infact such individuals don’t need to do the introduction…
Welcome to Healing Nexus Today we shall be looking at the concept of the curses of law. Paul took out time to explain the facts that we as believers ought not to be living in the dispensation of law; that we are presently at the dispensation of Grace; and this dispensation was conveyed to us through our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. In dispensation of law, anybody that goes against the law is automatically doomed to be afflicted by a curse. So, Paul had to explain to the Galatians that they should allow bygones to be bygones because Jesus had…
SOZO Welcome to Healing Nexus. The word SOZO means to be saved. I’ve encountered so many people that will always ask others if they are saved. And this same set of people will be falling sick. To them, to be saved means not to commit sin (it’s actually true but not balanced). To divide the word of truth rightly, we need to check the Greek meaning of the word, SOZO. SOZO means saved, make whole, heal and to be whole (Check the Greek dictionary to confirm). And when we look at this meaning, we notice that it encompasses all the…