If I have some instructions I want to give to those that are with the conviction that God is using SICKNESS to teach them a lesson, they are: When next you’re sick, don’t go to hospital or take drugs because it will shorten your semester of ‘learning’ 2.The money you ought to take to the hospital in order to buy drugs, use the money to buy a big notebook so that you can take notes as God is ‘teaching’ you lessons on your sickbed. Jot those Rhema you ‘learnt’ and then come teach me afterwards. Go back after the…
Author: healingnexusblog
Welcome to Healing Nexus. When you see this topic, it’s the first thing that will likely come to your mind is the precious tree that was planted inside the Garden of Eden. Don’t forget that there were 2 trees inside the Garden of Eden namely “Tree of Life” and “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”. These two trees represent the way we live our lives as Christians. The Tree of Life represents our relationship with God and dependency on Him while the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil signifies the “human ability” to know right and…
Do you know that taking Communion is linked to your Divine healing and health?
(Smiles…) Don’t be scared. I cannot slap you. I remember an incident that occurred sometime ago in my secondary school; a boy lied against the school principal and he was even saying it affirmatively such that the principal had to shout at him saying “I will slap you!” Welcome to #HealingNexus for this week. Like that boy who lied against the principal, there are so many people out there lieing against God too and I am sure if God should decide to appear to these set of people, they will end up being slapped! The lie we usually tell…
Welcome to Healing Nexus. I am very sure you know the story of the Israelites as found in Numbers 21:4-9, when they were in the wilderness. At a time they murmured against God and against Moses that they were not satisfied with the food and water they were getting, so God sent a fiery serpent into their camp and most of them died. When they realized their mistake, God had to provide a way out. He told Moses to set up a brazed serpent and to hang it on a tree and whosoever could look at the hanged serpent from…
JESUS, THE WAY . Welcome to HEALING NEXUSSickness was not part of God’s agenda when He was creating the world; it crept in through a means and Jesus is the only way out of sickness,for whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have a life free of sickness. To solve a problem, you don’t address it from the surface; you rather go to the foundation and start dealing with it from there. So for us to be able to deal with sickness we need to go back to the Book of the Beginning. For us to understand the scenario…
It’s only a fool that will prefer “good” to “better” or “better” to “best”, it’s only fool that will prefer living in “darkness” to “light”, it’s only a fool who will prefer living a life full of falling sick than a life free of sickness.
Welcome to #HealingNexusIf I have some instructions I want to give to those that are with the conviction that God is using SICKNESS to teach them a lesson, they are: When next you’re sick, don’t go to hospital or take drugs because it will shorten your semester of ‘learning’. 2.The money you ought to take to the hospital in order to buy drugs, use the money to buy a big notebook so that you can take notes as God is ‘teaching’ you lessons on your sickbed. Jot those Rhema you ‘learnt’ and then come teach me afterwards. Go back after…