This generation is asking too many questions and either we like it or not, we can no longer tell them to shut up. If we refused to answer them, false shepherds are everywhere, ready to answer. One of their questions is “where’s is my tithe going to?” Who is spending it? According to the Levitical Priesthood, all tithes go to the welfare of the family of the Levites. Levite is one of the 12 tribes of Israel chosen as ministers. None in their clan is permitted to work or own private business and so, the tithe is majorly meant for…
Author: healingnexusblog
We are back to the Christocentric series.🤩🤩 Don’t forget the attributes we’ve examined about the Israelites overtime 1. THEY WERE NOT WISE They preferred good, rather than better and preferred better than best. They always wished to go back to their slavery experience rather than to pass through the wilderness experience. 2. THEY WERE NOT GRATEFUL The best way to command result at the point of need is to raise an incense of Thanksgiving but reverse was the case, in the life of the Israelites. They would rather forget everything the Lord had done for them and start complaining. At…
Ebenezer Ebenezer, oh Ebenezer!You’re more than a nomenclature namedYou’re beyond a stone of demarcationYou’re greater than a barricade between Mizpah and Shen. You’re a dimension unlock from revelationYou’re a mystery birthed from an encounterYou’re an experience in a lifetimeYou’re more than what people think you’re. You’re an Helper that helps the helplessYou’re the Father to the FatherlessYou’re the one that’s behind every greatnessYou’re the one that specializes in changing man’s story in a second You’re the one that makes nobody be somebodyYou turn the man of nobody to be a man of everybodyThe great Helper is Your name. You are…
ALL-in-ONEColossians 2:9[9]For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. There are so many dimensions in God;To Abraham, He is ElshadaiTo Moses, He is ElohimTo Samuel, He is EbenezerTo the Israelite, He is Raphaamong others. All these dimensions we’re sum up in a man called Jesus, it’s in Him the FULLNESS of God dwells that’s why we pray IN THE NAME OF JESUS not For Jesus Sake. The greatest name in a class is the name of the class monitorThe greatest name in a school is the name of the ProprietorThe greatest name in the university is the…
Talking about spiritual fathers or mothers as the case may be, many youths didn’t understand the rules that determine whom you pick as your spiritual father. The basic rule is ACCESS. It is not fame, it is not anointing and it is not about gifts. It is, first of all, access. Someone you can talk to when you want to. Someone who can call you up at any moment. Someone you can reach at a time of emergency. Someone who recognizes you. Someone who can put his schedules aside and quickly attend to you. Someone who will be there for…
I have received questions from people who wanted to decide on buying crypto. Their first concern is, it is legit? Yes, it is. Is it profitable? It can be highly profiting. Is it risky? It is very risky. The law of investment says the higher the profit, the more the risk. That being said, I do like to examine crypto from the perspective of a currency. At least, it is called a digital currency which means, a currency that is not on paper but can be transacted online. The value of every currency is in its “purchasing power”. Dollars, for…
I have always said this over and over. If you are a young man or lady who is fervent in the things of God but pay little or no attention to your career & academics, you will pay for it in a very hard way. When the reality of life dawn on you. When you no longer get fed by your parents. When the cares of this world become evident, you may end up losing all your spiritual rigour and become lukewarm. You must have seen some alumni, brothers & sisters of your school fellowships and churches who tell you…
Welcome to the Christocentric Series once again. 🤗🤗 We are still on the story of the Israelites,Good, Better , Best. it is a fool that will prefer better to good, and best to better I said in my book FORTIFIED HEALTH that, it is a fool that will prefer better to good, and best to better. And this foolishness is displayed in the lives of the Israelites. There is the promised Land which is their Best place to be, and there is also the wilderness which is a better place, than when they were in slavery. The foolishness of the…
One day, we were having night devotion in the house. We read from the book of Nehemiah where I needed to mention that Sabbath was a Saturday. I had barely said it when someone blurted out: “is Sabbath not on Sunday?”, another also said: “yes, Sabbath is Sunday”. I was about to explain when I got another objection: “if Sabbath was Saturday then we should go to Church on Saturdays and the ‘7th day Adventist’ should be the right ones.” After saying that, they had exhausted their points and awaited me to respond. I explained: 1. Sabbath day was Saturday.…
SCRIPTURAL LETTER TO AYANFE When I read through my Bibe, all I could see in you, that’s why I calls you different names: 1. BOMB I call you my BOMB because you’re the Bone Of My Bone Genesis 2:23 [23]And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 2. ALL IN ONE I call you my All in one because everything that pertains to life and godliness for my life has been embedded in you 2 Peter 1:3 [3]According as his divine…