To God be the glory of all things He has done. I can’t but appreciate Him for teaching my hands to war and my fingers to fight in writing this book. It’s not by my intellect, nor by my understanding of the scriptures, but His Grace only singles me out to carry out this wonderful project. To Him alone be the glory! I’m pleased to notify you that the long-awaited book “WONDERS WORKING WORD,” will be released today to the body of Christ to bless lives and destiny, and to cause many to always think of the word of God…
Author: healingnexusblog
Many ignorantly think positive confession in the name of faith is like telling lies or deceiving oneself. May we open our hearts to learning in Jesus Name. Faith is never negative but always positive thus positive confession aligns every time with faith. There is a problem if the person making the positive confession is talking from the point of ignorance of the Scriptures. Yet, it is better to speak positively out of ignorance than to speak negatively out of unbelief. God said let the weak say “I am strong”. Not because his body is strong but he considers not his…
Our View on Dressing. Many people have asked, why does MotherTreasure dress the way she dresses. People haven’t asked me why I cut my hair the way I do but I have been asked if having a different haircut is wrong. We believe in what is called the law of RIPPLE DOWN EFFECT and this is why we will continue to dress the way we dress and pass it down to followers who choose to without in any way discriminating against those who do not. Firstly, let me say that YOUR HAIRCUT WILL NOT TAKE YOU TO HELL. Likewise will…
PRAYING FOR MONEY Kenneth Copeland in “Laws of Prosperity As a guide for you to use in receiving from your giving in any area, let me share this little formula. It has worked consistently for us and will work for you if you commit yourself to it. 1. Decide on the amount you need. Be careful not to cheat yourself. God is not a skinflint. He is a giver. He is a lover. God is love. For God so loved the world that He gave. Determine the amount you need and then be single-minded. A double-minded man can’t receive anything…
Faith is a subject that is commonly misunderstood by Christians. Meanwhile, it is necessary for every believer who wants to live according to the will of God. The Bible even confirms it further that it is impossible to please God without faith. Therefore, this book is written to clear the misconceptions and questions surrounding the subject of faith. The author defined faith and explained five types of faith. Furthermore, the book explains what faith is and what it is not. The author also thoroughly examined the God kind of faith. This book is a simple yet powerful tool that you…
The nine spiritual gifts the Bible talks about can be categorized into three. They are the revelational gifts, power gifts and utterance gifts. This book focuses on the three revelational gifts: word of knowledge, word of wisdom and discerning of spirits. There have been lots of controversies in the body of Christ concerning the three revelational gifts. Some Christians don’t really understand what the gifts are hence, they lack the understanding of how they operate. As a result of this lack of knowledge, many have fallen into error and they are leading others into the same error. The author in…
Of the three utterance gifts, diverse kinds of tongues is more well known. Even unbelievers know what tongues is. As well-known as diverse kinds of tongues is, there is a lack of adequate knowledge about that particular gift talk more of other utterance gifts. Some believers don’t understand what interpretation of tongues is and some don’t know how prophecy operates. This has given rise to a lot of false teachings and misuse of these gifts in the body of Christ. The author in this book breaks down and explains in simple language the three utterance gifts; Diverse kinds of tongues,…
When discussing spiritual gifts, we cannot but make mention of discerning of spirits. It is a very pivotal gift in the body of Christ. However, there has been so many wrong teachings as regards this particular gift. In fact, some people don’t really understand what the gift is and they don’t know how it operates but they have refused to seek the right knowledge as regards the operation of the gift. This has given rise to so many misconception of the gift. This book exposes in simple terms what the gift of Discerning of Spirits really is as against what…
Christians everywhere pray were told to pray at all times. It is one of the basic principles of our faith. We are taught to pray when it is convenient and when it is inconvenient. We pray in season and out of season. A question on the mind of most people is why is it that most Christians don’t get answers to their prayers? This book answers that question. It teaches concepts such as how to pray to get results, what to do before and after praying, the concept of faith, concept of praise, concept of fasting and many others. This…
Of the nine spiritual gifts the bible talks about, three are classified as power gifts. These are gifts that do things. Unlike the utterance gifts andthe revelational gifts, these gifts make things happen. They can be referred to as the hand of God. The power gifts are the gift of faith, the gift of working of miracles and the gifts of healing. This book focuses on the three power gifts and the author exhaustively explains what each power gift is and how they operate using relevant scriptures. I recommend this book as a manual for Christians everywhere who seek knowledge…