SCRIPTURAL LETTER TO AYANFE When I read through my Bibe, all I could see in you, that’s why I calls you different names: 1. BOMB I call you my BOMB because you’re the Bone Of My Bone Genesis 2:23 [23]And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 2. ALL IN ONE I call you my All in one because everything that pertains to life and godliness for my life has been embedded in you 2 Peter 1:3 [3]According as his divine…
Author: healingnexusblog
“Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace?” (Romans 6:1) Romans 6:1 is that passage that should caution the ‘once saved forever saved folks’ that where they are heading for is doom, but they have turned it into a weapon. Their argument is that ‘Paul preached grace so much that he had to say such.’ And they would add ‘have we preached grace to as much as Paul?’ If you are hearing that line of defence for the first time, you will know it is nonsense but when…
So just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God’s wonderful grace rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 5:21 NLT) Adam brought sin and sin brought death. Jesus brought salvation and salvation brought life, not just any life but eternal life because the death that sin brought was also eternal death. So, the life that Christ brought will not be adequate if all it contains is life in this world and no eternal life in the thereafter. This eternal life is a…
So the promise is received by faith. It is given as a free gift. And we are all certain to receive it, whether or not we live according to the Law of Moses, if we have faith like Abraham’s. For Abraham is the father of all who believe.” (Romans 4:16) This is actually one of the many verses in the book of Romans that may make some Twenty-first century believers think that their eternal salvation is permanent and unconditional. And that is because we don’t understand the context of that discussion or even appreciate the gift of salvation we have.…
I see that many of us look at salvation from the point of view of ‘God forgave the sins I committed’. You didn’t realize that you have been declared a sinner before you were born. You have been judged and condemn to hell while you were still in the womb just because you are a human being. You didn’t have the right to call God your Father or pray to Him. Before Jesus came, God gave the Jews the privilege to call upon Him provided they fulfill certain conditions (the circumcision first and other laws). These conditions were not extended…
Every time my spiritual children study the book of Romans, they come back to me bombard me with questions which I have had to attend to over and over in this year alone. When you read the book of Romans, you are likely to conclude that faith is all it takes. But as true as that conclusion is, it has misled and it is still misleading many people. In fact, that is where the ‘once saved forever saved’ folks got their confusion from. Many years ago, I wrote a book titled “The Knot in Romans” where I discuss the book…
“So, my dear brothers and sisters, this is the point: You died to the power of the law when you died with Christ. And now you are united with the one who was raised from the dead. As a result, we can produce a harvest of good deeds for God.” (Romans 7:4 NLT) This is it; a believer and unbeliever are in the examination hall. The law says, “thou shall not cheat.” If an unbeliever refuses to cheat, he is not cheating because he doesn’t want to violate the law but when a believer refuses to cheat, it is because…
Salvation is very easy to get but very difficult to lose. God made it so. It is just like a studentship admission, which is quite easy to get but very difficult to lose. Note that, it is difficult, but not impossible to lose. All through my days in school, I don’t know of any person who was sent packing from the school but there were people who were expelled. That I don’t know them doesn’t mean that they were not.Kenneth Hagin told of how some people connected some scriptures and arrived at the conclusion that, ‘since Christ died for all,…
One of the ways to bring yourself closer to your destiny is to make yourself lazy. How do I mean? When a man is full of activities, he often feels that he’s very busy. If money were mere papers, all of us would be very rich. We will just be carrying papers around but when you get rid of those papers, you will know what you really worth. So, making yourself lazy is getting rid of those activities that don’t add significantly to your purpose but occupy you. Those things have gradually become addictions or obsessions. It could be strolling…
REFLECTION Since I got to know how the ministry of Scripture Union (SU) got exploded by the mystery of reflection, I do not take seasons of retreats or forced rest like the one I had recently for granted. This is the story: A man called Tom Bishop who was the first General Secretary of SU had an illness thus forcing him to have a bed rest. He never took leave. He was always working. He was the head of all the administrative tasks while Josiah Spiers, the president takes the public speakings and appearances. At the time of his rest,…