Pre-Adamic World IIIBy; Ife Adetona ©SADOZ 11/02/21 There is something about deep mysteries of the Scriptures, it is very slippery. It looks like a conspiracy theory. In a conspiracy theory, you may think that you have fixed the puzzles and have gotten all things right without knowing that you have missed it and deviated in many parts. So far, in series I & II, we have been able, by His Grace to clarify the meanings of some Scriptures used by “Pre-Adamic advocates”. And in this edition, I will talk about Ezekiel 28:13a “You were in Eden, the garden of God”.…
Author: healingnexusblog
Pre_Adamic_World_II By_Ife_Adetona In this edition, I will talk about “replenish” as used by God in Genesis 1:28: “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and REPLENISH the earth.” Scholars who believed that some beings or kind of humans once inhabited the earth always refer to God asking man to replenish the earth as a strong point. Their standpoint is that, “replenish” means to refill or renew and so how would God ask men to replenish the earth if not that it was once corrupted by some kind of creation. I must confess that it…
I have been to several prayer meetings that the only prayer said in the meeting was prayer against enemies. I have met with several pastors whose area of ministerial calling is to be an enemy fighter. But the question we should ask ourselves is, “Is what we are doing biblical?” Certainly, we established from the Bible, in the last part, that the enemies exist and in fact the Bible gives us some fighting techniques which we would be looking at in subsequent parts of this series. This sect of people always get confused whenever they read the word of Jesus…
Can you remember the popular game called Mortal Combat? It’s called such because it’s a fight between two mortal men. But today we will be talking about the the concept of fight of the immortals. The immortals are spirits and of course I want you to know that the real you is your spirit man. You’re not mortal but an immortal. We as spirit men have an enemy which is immortal too, infact our fight is not physical at all but spiritual. We orchestrate our fighting styles from the spirit realm. In this first part of the article, I want…
Bad dream is nothing but an empty lie from the devil and the intent is to inject fear into the life of the host so he can have access into his/her life. Let’s check the life of Job. Most of us have always been accusing God for granting the devil access to Job’s life, but the fact is that Job himself allowed the devil to have access into his life because he allowed fear into his heart. Job 3:25[25]For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.…
OJUJU (The Fear of Bad Dream) OJUJU is a masquerade in the Calabar tribe of Nigeria. The look of this masquerade is very scary and it injects fear in the hearts of the viewer. Whenever parents wanted to scare a child, they would say, “I’ll call Ojuju for you!” On hearing this, the child would immediately comply with the parents’ instructions out of fear. As the child grows, s/he will never be scared again because what was used to scare him/her is an empty lie. That is the Ojuju for the children but I’m writing this in order to inform…
The word “Yom” is an Hebrew word which means “Day”. Kippur means “Atonement”. Merging both words, we then have Day of Atonement. Yom Kippur is a Jewish day to atone for misdeeds and become cleansed and purified from them. On this day, the Jews observe this feast with a long fast and intensive prayer but our focus today is how the atonement is being made. ELEMENTS OF THE ATONEMENT An High Priest: He is the one that makes all the necessary procedures for the atonement.A Bull and a Ram: for the covering of the priest’s sins and that of his…
This is one topic being discussed as a “mystery” in Christendom. Many respected ministers of God have asserted that there was indeed a “pre-Adamic World”. By this, they mean that there was a set of people or beings who occupied the planet Earth before Adam came to be. A preacher said Lucifer was sent like Jesus to those people but he rebelled against God and won those people to his side. Another respected minister of the gospel said, it was those people that became demons. He said demons were not the fallen angels but the set of people who occupied…
Division of Labour is a management term which means that a person does not do all the work by him/herself but delegates it to others to do for him/her. Our God is a wise planner, and He is strategic in His planning, He doesn’t do all the work Himself but has given some part of His work to us. This is the ultimate division of labour by God: Acts 10:38[38]How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with…
You’re welcome to Healingnexusblog again. We are still on our YESHUA series. And today, we shall be considering The Mystery of Redemption. THE INNOCENT LAMBGod’s standard for redemption has stood sure since the beginning of the world and the standard is that without remission of blood, there is no covering for sin. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden, they both used fig leaves as a covering for themselves but that alone could not cover their sins, God Himself had to kill an innocent lamb and use its skin to cover their nakedness. Genesis 3:21[21]Unto Adam also…