The topic we voted for is KNOWING YOUR IDENTITY IN CHRIST. The biggest problem of man is the problem of identity. When you as a believer doesn’t know your identity in Christ, you can’t actualize every spiritual blessings that has been given to you in Christ. You will be a none entity if you don’t know your identity as a believer. This is the reason why Paul was writing to the Ephesian believers that they may “KNOW”:
Ephesians 1:18
[18] The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.
As Daddy use to say that
There is no darker darkness than the darkness of ignorance
Also there is no higher mountain than the Mountain of ignorance
If believers of nowadays can just KNOW their identity in Christ 99.99% of the challenges being faced would be solved
Let me tell you a story
There is a young lion that by mistake found itself amid sheep in its infancy
This young lion began growing with other sheep’s and began to be eating grass like they do
The young lion noticed that her shape is different from others while growing
One of the sheep told her that it’s likely to be so, that perhaps she is from another breed
She was eating grass which is even against her nature of eating flesh because she is a carnivorous animal
But one day, a mother lioness was passing by and saw this young lion in their midst eating grass like them and running away at her sight
The mother lioness have to leave the prey she was pursing and rescue the young lion
The young lion saw her and saw so many things in common and began to be living in reality
This young lion suffered for year’s because she didn’t know her identity
She was belittled, cheated and treated abnormally because of lack of identity
That’s how so many Christ were today
They have reduced themselves spiritually and are tossed to and fro by Life challenges and demonic activates because of lack of tge knowledge of WHO THEY ARE IN CHRIST
So tonight I will be showing us some of our identity in Christ
John 3:6
[6]That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
When you are born again
You becomes a new man
The Bible says that you are a spirit
New birth makes you a spirit being in human flesh
To understand your make up
You need to look at Adam before fall
Adam named all the animals in this world himself
He was naked
There are 4 rivers in the garden
Yet the weather didn’t affect him
Adam shared divinity with God
He works in the supernatural
Because of the Spirit that is in him
When you are born again
You are restored back into that Adam initial estate
It’s called the Supernatural estate
Jesus explained John 3:6 well in verse 8
John 3:8
[8]The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
He said you will be operating like a wind
Can you capture a wind?
Can you say this is what do cause a wind to blow ?
If you are in a room that is full of heat and you on your fan and the fan is blowing wind/air to you
Cam you tell me where the wind/air is coming from?
Is it from the socket or from inside the fan?
Of course
You can’t explain where is it coming from
Wind works supernaturally
It’s beyond man’s understanding
And that is how you are supposed to be operating as a believer
When a normal sense is trying to get you, they suppose to be lost because you are a spirit, you operate from a realm that is above normal sense
When a normal man is looking at you praying in tongues, communing with your Father in a language of the Spirits they should be lost because you are a spirit
You see a sick
You lay your hand
Instead of prescribing drug
And the sick was healed
Because you are a spirit
Operating in the supernatural should be what you do at ease because you believe in Jesus
Mark 16:17-18
[17]And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
[18]They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
John 3:31
[31]He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all.
Jesus in John Chapter 3 again says YOU ARE ABOVE ALL.
So, I will be showing you your position tonight by explaining the spiritual hierarchy to you
I will be explaining it with a diagram
Until you know your position in the Spirit, you will be still be belittled by the devil and demonic operations
The first on the list is THE GODHEAD
GOD the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
After the first rank is YOU
Yes, You as a believer
God the Father , Son and Holy Spirit
In fact, you are in the same rank with the GodHead
You are seated with the GodHead in heavenly places
You may be sitting in your office or parlour as you are attending this study but in the spirit realm, you are just beside the Trinity
Ephesians 2:6
[6]And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
Can you see 2 together here ?
This position you are in the Spirit is an heritage you have through the work of Jesus
When He died
You died together
When He rose up
You rose together with Him
When He seated at the right hand
You do together
Where are sitting
Even angels are not having access to that place
They are under you
They are meant to minister for you
You are to command them to work
It’s your reality
And below angels are is the Lucifer and demons
You are far above the devil
When you know this you will just be mocking the devil😂
Because that’s his weak point
Once you just know, you are free
You will be reigning in life unhindered
Ephesians 1:21-22
[21]Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
[22]And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,
Where are you sitting is Faaaaaaaaaar above the devil and his demons
It’s just like you are sitting on a storey building and someone at the floor level is telling you he will pour water on your head 😂
What will you do for such person?
You will just be laughing because the person is not making sense
That’s your identity
You are above all the works of the evil
You are above that sickness
You are above failure
You are above delay
You are above stagnation
You are above frustration
In the name of Jesus
I speak that any operation of the enemy upon your life is ending tonight as a result of this knowing in the name of Jesus!!!
You are free from all demonic oppression
Is there anyone sick in the house?
In the name of Jesus, I stand on the grace of my fatherFathereclare you whole right now
Check for that sickness and see it no more
Check for that infirmity
It has disappeared
Begin to walk in the reality of your identity in Jesus’ name
We shall continue on Thursday
You are blessed!!!