#4 You resigned into NOTHING.This is the biggest cause of HUNGER among full-time ministers. As you know that I am…
Browsing: Divine Health
More Information is coming
AGAIN ON HOUSE CHORES Getting help for your wife starts with you. It is really not about money but your…
There are two cheat codes for deliverance. Engage the demon to tell you it’s legal stand. Don’t get too deep…
I made a post on the easy way to handle deliverance where I stated my experience in some deliverance sessions.…
Still in the mood of anniversary, Every SADOZite are to share their SADOZ encounter story, Use this format that will…
Hurray!!! Sons And Daughters Of Zion [SADOZ] Global Harvest Ministry is 9 years old today May 1st, 2023. You are…
#2 You mix God’s money with your money. Many GOs, founders and presidents of ministries dabble into God’s offering committing…
#1 Wrong expectations. When I decided I was going to go full time, I started asking God some questions like:…
Celebrating 7 Years in Full-Time ministry plus 4 years in the ministry I served full-time, making 11 years. You all…
We started the study on PERSONAL LEADERSHIP We close it by stating the importance of BOOK READING in the transformation…