#4 You resigned into NOTHING.
This is the biggest cause of HUNGER among full-time ministers. As you know that I am an advocate of full-time ministry but I have had to caution a lot of people. This year alone, I have received up to three people who pressed me that God wanted them to go into the ministry full-time. They said God asked them not to work, not to school but to just serve or pray. They didn’t really have any ministry they are running. They sounded so bold that I lacked words to say. They said GOD SAID, so, what will I say? I just kept praying for them and kept checking on them. To the glory of God, all those I know, who were my disciples are now back serving God and pursuing their careers. They have not built ANYTHING let alone talk of RESIGNING into it. Only old people and widows are permitted to resign into SERVING & PRAYING and not young people who still have their full life to live. Check your Bible (Luke 2:36-37, 1 Timothy 5:9-10). The Church or ministry is expected to feed those set of people and they can live around the church. They are not expected to have much need except food and shelter. No Android phone or TV subscription. Think about it. Is that what you said God has called you to do?There’s another category of people who believed God has called them into full-time. They have started something “ministry” but they went full-time before their time. The truth is, when God speaks about the future, He says it as if it is now. Many think it is time but it is not. They run from their masters thinking they have learnt all they need. Some never had any master to start with.To some, it is time for them to go full time but the ministry they started is not yet ripe. They have failed to build their ministry into the stature required. There is “starting a ministry”, there is ” organizing a ministry”. Baptist Churches usually have two dates for take-off. On the signpost, you will see something like: “Established on September 17th 2005″, ” Organized on January 2007″. Your ministry is organized when you have a viable body of leadership running it and a clearly tested system of activities. This could happen the same day you started or weeks or years after. But such structure sustains the work such that without your personal earning, the ministry runs itself.The last set that resigned into NOTHING are those who were called to BUILD A MINISTRY but thought they were called to RUN AN ITINERANT Ministry. I thank God I discovered this earlier. It only took a few months. I had thought I was resigning so that I can attend to ministerial invitations only for me to resign and the small invitations I was getting stopped coming. During those periods, I was beginning to see HUNGER face to face. I wasn’t taking SADOZ seriously. I was just running it like a part-time job. What I wanted were invitations. Holy Spirit called my attention and said: “If you resigned so that you can be an itinerant minister, then you have resigned for the wrong reason”. I was shocked because SADOZ, to me wasn’t a task that required full-time attention. On that spot, Holy Spirit explained His vision for SADOZ to me. That was the day I actually resigned into SADOZ full-time. I began to labour seriously as if I have no other life. I stopped visiting friends unnecessarily or going to irrelevant events or wishing for invites. I began to BUILD as the Lord helps.I hope you find direction in this article. Comment for links to parts 1-3.
Please what about the part three of WHY YOU ARE POOR AS A FULL-TIME MINISTER – Pst.Ife ADETONA
Thanks and more grace to pastor Ife
Thanks sir
Thanks sir……please send the link for part 2 and 3 why you are poor as a full time minister