Author: healingnexusblog

The devil has captured many people’s thoughts. So many believers are demon-oriented and overdosed with many testimonies of the devil’s exploits. They are poisoned with fear and have become prey to the devil. They have lost their testimonies and battles against the powers of darkness because the signs and symptoms returned or refused to go. They have ordered the devil to get out of their lives but Satan checked back with the same symptoms, so they gave in and thought they had lost. Jesus commanded the devil out of a young man but it was as if the case went…

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Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. The first thing the Lord ask me to tell you about the Year 2024 is that REMEMBER NOT THE FORMER THINGS. I got another meaning to that prophetic word sometime last year. When God said “Remember not the former things”, He is talking about “old glory” and your “old testimony”. Whatever God did for you last year,…

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We have been dealing with the topic FULLNESS OF JOY. And I want to believe that a lot of men of God have been on this exalted altar to talk about the topic. I trust God to help me speak His mind to us as well tonight. Let me take the navigation by telling us about the Supernatural. THE SUPERNATURAL is the estate that we the believers dwell. It’s a realm that is beyond the natural. We are interacting with the natural environment every day, but the reality in the natural environment shouldn’t becloud our identity in the spirit realm.…

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I will be opening us to some FACTS ON PROPHECY: 1. Every believer can manifest it. Normally, you’re not supposed to pray for it. It’s not something preserved for some believers. Moses even said long ago that he wanted everyone to prophesy (Num 11:29). God said it in the book of Joel: Joel 2:28-29 28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters SHALL PROPHESY, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: 29 And also upon the servants and upon…

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SADOZ is the HOME OF THE SUPERNATURAL. It is the HOME for the manifestation of SPIRITUAL GIFTS. When we talk about THE PROPHETIC, we are talking about a few things: Prophesy Vision Knowing things by the Spirit Hearing things by the Spirit. But our emphasis tonight is PROPHESY. The first thing you must understand is that, just as GOD wants everyone to SPEAK IN TONGUES, HE ALSO WANTS EVERYONE TO PROPHESY. Do you remember Joel 2:28-29? “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall…

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It is important that you understand yourself or you call it the concept of prime time, this is the time in which you are most active, it is the time when you are always energized to perform some certain tasks. I have been opportune to counsel some people about their prayer lives. And very often, they come up with complaints such as; they sleep off whenever they are set to pray, some would even say they don’t know why their prayer life is under attack, and claim that the devil is after them. One time, I was counseling someone and…

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I have said this before so, I will just summarize. First, a feminist or divorcee may be talking down on a fellow woman who wore a wedding gown to a miracle service as a step of faith. You can throw away the messenger or the tone of the message but don’t throw away the entire message. Two, I am a teacher of faith and a radical faither, I have no right to talk down on anyone’s faith but in this journey of teaching and mentorship, we have seen things called faith that did more harm than good. Three, marriage of…

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Many believers feel that the only right Israel has to the land is because God gave them the land in the Bible days. But that stance, however true, may sound sentimental and unjust. Remember, the Roman government killed Jesus at the request of the Jews. So, the land was under Roman colonisation. Jesus predicted that the temple would be destroyed. In an attempt to un-Israelize the land, the temple was destroyed in 70 CE and many Jews were killed, taken as slaves and many others were forcibly exiled. Rome also unofficially name the place, “the land of Palestine” so as…

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Google is a search engine that has dominated the internet for many years. It has a sophisticated algorithm that analyzes and ranks web pages according to their relevance and quality for any search query.To do this, Google relies on automated programs called spiders or crawlers that scan the web and gather information about billions of web pages. These programs follow links from one page to another and index the content and metadata of each page. Google’s search engine has been praised for its speed, accuracy, and user-friendliness since its launch in 1998.However, Google is not the only player in the…

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