Relationship is the foundation for marriage. A right relationship makes a right marriage and a wrong relationship makes a wrong marriage. What makes a relationship wrong or right is at the foundation of such relationship. So, it all boils down to the foundation. This book Breaking the Yoke of Wrong Relationship takes the issue from the foundation and in an easy-to-understand manner and explains how a shaky and faulty foundation of a relationship can lead to a faulty marriage. The book explains the concept of wrong relationship, how to identify it and how to come out of it in the…
Author: healingnexusblog
Most Christians today complain about not getting their prayers answered. In fact, some people have lost faith in the efficacy of prayer. The reason is however not far-fetched: prayer is highly misunderstood. Many believers fail to understand that prayer is a system and as such, one needs to properly understand how it works for one to get optimal result from it. This book addresses prayer as a system and it explains the different components of prayer as well as the types of prayer. It explains in plain terms how to effectively pray the different types of prayers to get result.…
It is believed that everyone has something that they display fear towards, it’s just that the degree varies. Also, some people have been trapped in guilt by the devil probably because of a sin that they have committed in the past. Therefore, this book is here to liberate you from the clutches of fear and guilt. The book explains what fear is, how to identify it and how to overcome it. On the guilt aspect, the author explains the types of guilt and the forces that help to overcome it. You can escape the clutches of fear and guilt by…
A normal adult in this world today worries and is anxious. People are worried and anxious about what seems to be trouble to them, and even what does not. As anxiety and worry has become the order of the day, even among Christians, this book is written to help people in overcoming worry and anxiety. In the book, the author defined anxiety and the signs that portray an anxious person. Furthermore, he explained how to deal with anxiety. The author also described worry, its effects and how to deal with it. Do you want to stop being anxious and worried,…
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers… God in this end time is raising and calling many into the ministry. He is still in the business of calling men into various ministerial offices. There is however a need for us to understand what each ministerial office entail. In this book, the author focuses on the office of the prophet and the office of the teacher. Using scriptural examples, he explains what it means to be prophetic and what it means to be a prophet. He also explains the differences that exist…
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers… Anybody can use the title of a pastor but there are those called into the office of the pastor and only those called into the office can function maximally in the office. This book sheds more light into the office of a pastor and also discusses in details the help ministry. It answers questions such as who are those in the help ministry? What does the help ministry entail? What does it mean to be called into the ministry of a pastor? The author…
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers… Is the 5-fold offices still relevant today? Do we still have Apostles? Do we still have those who are called to the office of an evangelist today? Can a person be appointed by men to occupy the office of the apostle? What exactly does an apostle do? There and many more are the questions answered in this book. The author gave elaborate insight to the office of the apostle and the office of the evangelist in this highly valuable book. Using scriptures, he explains…
Praying is what the church does most. In fact, it is believed that a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian. We believe so much in the efficacy of prayer that we prescribe it for all of life issues. What most believer don’t understand however is that there is a “how” of prayer just as we have different kinds of prayer. This book is a study on the subject of prayer from the New Testament perspective. The author starts by examining and explaining the lessons about prayer as taught by Christ. He then goes further to carefully highlight lessons about prayer…
Today, I shall intimate my readers of the brief history of the Sons and Daughters of Zion [SADOZ]. SADOZ started as a burden for discipleship and relationship. That is why we say SADOZ is a discipleship and relational movement where the Holy Spirit is our Discipler. There was a gap between a young man(The SADOZ PRESIDENT) and his disciples. The need to bridge this gap is the genesis of the ministry. There is also a burden to reach all men with the reality of having a communal relationship with the Holy Spirit and this culminated to reach out to more…
My wife and I were relaxing in the visitors’ room one certain evening when we saw a cat walking majestically on the fence. My wife was the first to see it. I looked up and smiled. I said in my heart- “what a cute animal”. We looked away from it and continued with our gist. Night after night, we hear the sounds of the cat fighting some animals behind our window. On a certain night, my wife said she was sure that the cat was fighting with a shrew (eku asin). A shrew is a rat-like animal with a long…