Author: healingnexusblog

2. AUTHORITY Your tongue becomes fortified too. What you say becomes an authority. That’s the advantage of praying in tongues for long. When the Apostles started talking with AUTHORITY, the people wondered how they got to that level being unlearned people. Guess what they said? Act 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. When you pray for long… when you tarry in the place of prayer, you ARE WITH JESUS. You may not…

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WHY WE PRAY IN TONGUES FOR HOURS? No. 1 Spiritual Fortification The number one reason we pray is for spiritual fortifications. The more you stay, the more you are fortified. You need to be fortified against the world. We are in the work of spiritual powers. Going to Prayer Mountains to ask for POWER is like charging your phone with a power bank. Praying in the Holy Ghost is like plugging into the electrical source. Take a look at this picture. This is akin to the Nigeria government offering two white rams to the god of the river for them…

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I saw this heated debate in a christian group at a time. They were asking for scriptures that said midnight prayers are superior to day time prayers. The Bible says, while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. That means if he was awake, the enemy won’t succeed. Midnight prayers are strategic in spiritual warfare. The enemies and demons roam around at midnight. Whether they will succeed one time or another time, they don’t know but they do walk around at that time. Those that pray at midnight knows. We take note…

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When we talk about PRAYING FOR LONG at a stretch on a regular basis, many feel it is an additional demand to their insufficient time but it actually supposed to be a substitution. Just take a little minute from the time you spend surfing the internet, take a little from the one you spend gossiping, a little from your oversleeping time, a little here and there, you have some hours! 7 am to 10 am is 3 hours. What did you do with those hours on Saturdays? A little more sleep or searching the internet? 9 pm to 12 midnight…

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You thought you had prayed for one hour but found out you only did 30 minutes, READ THIS “Sincerely there a day I tried praying for an hour but when I reach like 30minut I thought is even more than one hour. But God will continue to help us to grow more” REPLY: No. Don’t look at the time. Just tell yourself, I will check the time when I am very tired. When you check the time and you see 30 minutes, don’t say- so I only spent 30 minutes, say, I have just 30 minutes left. The first 30…

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Do you use to imagine things in your head? Like when you have the money you will buy a car, go back to your old school and show that teacher…blah, blah, blah. Do you usually dream and imagine yourself doing superhuman things? Fighting people, disappearing and appearing, etc all in your dream while you sleep? Fantasy is an enemy of spiritual vision and revelation. Spiritual vision and revelation are communicated through your mind. Devil fills our mind with fantasies to make it drooling, heavy and dull. It can’t pick visions and meaning quickly. You can’t ascend easily. Have you fantasised…

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PROPHETIC POTHOLE ⚠️ you may not like the language of this post, but if you don’t mind, let’s go. First, I want you to know that the “prophet’s office” is a very large one. So big that every prophet is distinctive from the others. We can go further to categorize. Some see VISIONS and GIVE WORDS OF KNOWLEDGE & REVELATION as if they are drinking water. If you’re not close to them, you would think maybe they fasted or prayed to enter that realm but not so. It seems to them as natural as a talent just like someone gifted…

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What to do with the devil Let me tell you a story I read about Smith Wigglesworth. Smith Wigglesworth was out one day, he saw a woman who was waiting for a bus with her dog following her. She said to the dog ‘Get back’ but the dog only shook its tail. She said the second time ‘Get back’ but it won’t obey. Then the bus arrived. This woman stamped her feet and shouted Gett….’ The dog tucked its tail under and ran off. Smith Wigglesworth forgetting himself shouted: that is how you have got to treat the devil! You…

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If you commanded the devil once and he didn’t leave, he heard you, he only wanted to be sure that you have the requisite knowledge about what you are saying. This is the analogy: when you say ―devil get out of my life in Jesus name. The devil will ask “On what ground are you sending me out?” Then, you are to look straight and quote two to three scriptures that back up your command. Should the symptoms or signs persist, never stop rebuking the devil with the Scriptures. You don‘t even need to quote the reference of the Scriptures…

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Everyone knows someone who is very lavish in giving. He seems not to care that people are taking him for granted. And though many people have shown him shege, he still gives and gives. There’s this other person that gives but has principles. You don’t get his money if you’re not deserving it. For instance, if you have two hands and two legs and you’re begging for money, he won’t give you a dime. He is nice but he has principles. If you are in the second category, I urge you not to allow your principles to block your blessing.…

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