#2 You mix God’s money with your money.
Many GOs, founders and presidents of ministries dabble into God’s offering committing the sin of Hophni and Phinehas. They say to themselves: “God’s money is my money and my money is God’s money”. That’s sacrilege.
Bishop David Oyedepo told us a story of a man of God he went to preach for. After the service, the man dived to where they were counting the offering and dipped his hands into the box. He took some cash and drove off. While on their way, he stopped the car, got down and came back with sardines, bread and orisirisi in his hands. Bishop exclaimed: “is it the money you took from the offering box that you used to buy all these things?” He said: “Yes, we are going to take care of the man of God, isn’t it?” Bishop said- “God forbid I eat from that money”.
Nobody counted the money.
Nobody recorded it
And he is not going to report how it was spent to anyone.
We can’t even begin to mention the consequences this act is costing you and the ministry.
First, to take unaccounted money leaves others with the power to do the same when you turn your back.
You are building trust issues around yourself.
You are not preparing for a great ministry. You can do that because you are small and you will remain small.
Above all, you are heaping the curses of Hophni and Phinehas upon yourself and your generation.
In our ministry, if my family has any kobo to give to the ministry, we send it to the ministry’s account and it is recorded as a seed.
There is something called impress. If I need to make any purchase on behalf of the ministry, the money is released and I return with a breakdown to the last dime. The treasurer will put all in her records. It is the same with whoever is taking any money out to get a thing done on behalf of the ministry. That is how we run the ministry from 2014 till date. It is all recorded in a hardcover.
Taking and spending unaccounted money for whatever reason is STEALING. It doesn’t matter if you spend it on the ministry or even added your money to it. You are still a THIEF. Please, REPENT and put things in order.
Lookout for part 3.
Link to part 1 https://healingnexusblog.com/reason-youre-poor-as-a-full-time-minister-pst-ife-adetona/