In my short span of living as a christian, I’ve found so many people that are confused about the concept of Speaking in tongues. Therefore, the Holy Spirit has laid this in my heart to start a series that would address this issue and I can boldly state that the help of those in need of this has come.

Let me start by sharing a story of when I was about to be initiated into this experience. That was in 2013 when I gained admission into the higher institution. Before then, I used to hear people speak in other tongues in my local assembly but I never took it serious. I believed it was the elders of the church that only operated in this dimension.

However, moving on, it was like a movie when I got to the higher institution and I saw my mates, even those that were not up to me in age operate in different dimensions of the Holy Spirit.
Most of the time, I even heard these ones coming to the altar professing how the Holy Spirit walked to them and they spoke together for a long time. My next action would be to put my two hands on my head and open my mouth wide to ask: “What about me?”

I didn’t just keep asking the question but I also took action and the action I took was that I prepared myself to fast and pray for “the gift of speaking in tongues”. 😄
So every Wednesday, I did have an appointment with the Lord on the prayer Mountain that was in front of my school. I would pray, pray and sleep and wake up without speaking in tongues.

In one of our Semester breaks, when I got back to my local church, it collided with the time we were treating the concept of Speaking in tongues. We were taught that it’s not for everybody and that God gives it to those He wishes. I almost lost my faith thinking that maybe it was not for me.
Coincidentally, I met with one of my friend Abiodun Olawumi of the blessed memory with a book in his hand titled “The Communion Of Holy Spirit ” written by Pastor Ife ADETONA. This was the first book I ever read from the first page to the last.

What really attracted me from the pages was on the content page where I saw “Baptism of Holy Ghost”. I tell you that reading the book alone, I got baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
It was after this experience that I realized that what I needed was not fasting or prayer in other to be baptized in the Holy Ghost, what I really needed was knowledge. Afterwards, the Lord commissioned me to teach the word of God and to baptize people in the Holy Ghost and this is the aim of this series.

I’ll be impacting you with the knowledge you need to be baptized in the Holy Ghost and every other necessary things you need to know about the concept of tongues.
Are you ready to be imparted? Let me know by typing KNOWLEDGE.
Hai…. knowledge.. celebrate grace Sir..