One of the health cases I usually attend to is fibroid-related. In the last four weeks, I had at least one case per week. As a healing minister, here is my advice.
Herbs don’t cure fibroid. You will always see someone who tells you that they know someone who was cured by some herbs. Some will even say, “their wife or sister”. Ask them for pre and post-medical test results, no proof but they will tell you “Trust me bro” and then, introduce a herb to you. Those concoctions are always expensive. They are usually almost HALF OF THE SURGERY COST at the least.
I said herbal concoction cannot cure fibroid because it is not an infection that you apply medication to. It is a growth that has to be REMOVED.
It can only be removed either through surgery or through a miracle.
Many people will say they prefer miracles, why? Because they cannot afford the expenses (300k or whereabouts). Or they are scared of anything surgery. They are afraid of other complications.
I will support anyone to use faith to get any miracle from God but in most cases, these are emergency faith users. They have never exercised faith to get a thing before from God. But they want to start now out of fear. They are not disqualified from applying their faith, the question is, are they even ready to give it what it takes to faith for such a miracle? Do they know HOW TO?
Here is my counsel to many I have spoken to:
1. Do a proper assessment. Not all fibroid cases require immediate surgery especially if it’s not painful, has other complications, causes extreme discomfort or blocks you from conceiving. Only a qualified doctor can tell you this. At times, you need multiple opinions.
2. If the doctor evaluates that you need surgery and it won’t have any side effect, especially on your ability to conceive, having prayed and applied your faith up till this time, go for the surgery option. It is easier to believe in the money and quick recovery than to be taking herbal concoctions and faith for a miracle.
3. If it may affect the womb, settle and believe for a faith miracle especially if it is not life-threatening because it may take some time.
4. If for any reason, you don’t agree with all I said and you want to apply faith. Faith will work. But please, learn how to make it work. There’s a miracle by the anointing of another and there’s a miracle by faith. Miracles by faith are the most consistent and they can be developed with conscious effort.
“The just shall live by his faith.”