The Christian ministry has long been seen as a mere religious institution with no special contribution to humanity. Communists and other autocratic governments know better and that is why they try all means to silent the church wherever they are in power. They know that the only institutions that can raise men that will challenge their leadership are the Christian ministries.
The struggle for independence of African nations can also be traced to the activities of the Church and other Christian bodies in liberating the minds of Africans to realize that they are as good as their white oppressors. The Church has not relaxed in this role. In fact, Christian ministries are doing more today than ever done in human history by any institution.
Coming across this masterpiece that sheds light on the hidden treasure in Christianity is all you need to maximally benefit from what it offers. I only urge you to take advantage of the knowledge that you are about to receive and apply it fully. Before you know it, you will emerge as an outstanding leader in your community and in your generation.