CDA, as taught by the servant of God is a household name among Sadozites and many Christians across the world today. CDA is a spiritual elixir that can never fail to deliver results. It is a code both for accessing the supernatural and commanding the supernatural. Many who have come across the CDA formula or capsule either in the messages or writing of Pastor Ife Adetona has testified of its attending results.
If CDA is so anointed by God in producing life changing results across every area of life, what do you think of CDAplus? CDA plus is an updated version of the CDA combination inspired by God to see every believer reign as kings and priests in every sphere of their lives. This book is divided into two parts. The first part is based on CDA while the second part expatiates on why CDA may not work for some and how to always get results with it. The second part also introduces the working dimension of CDAplus and how believers can take charge of whatever
situation they may encounter in life.
This book is a powerful tool in your hand. You will no longer allow the waves of happening to carry you around but you will be in control. You will rule from the place of the supernatural and things will work just the way you want them.