Author: healingnexusblog

When your wife (or husband) says she’s not comfortable with your relationship with the opposite sex, it’s not a matter of “there is nothing between us”. The fact that she sees something she’s not comfortable with is enough. Even if you think she’s a witch she’s still right. It is the same when you’re in a courtship, the only clause about courtship is that you have the choice to choose between the courtship and your friendship with that person. But in marriage, you must choose the marriage. If you can discuss this with her and you agree on some limiting…

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Let me start by emphasizing that everyone, as an entrepreneur, has something to sell or a particular service to render. I often joke that while you buy shoes, bags, clothes, phones, and recharge cards, among other things, have you ever stopped to think about what YOU are selling? Our topic today is “What to Sell,” and it’s important to consider how you can transition from being a perpetual buyer to becoming a seller. Even SADOZ is selling something through KBI (Koinonia Bible Institute). It’s clear that there are only two kinds of people in the world: those who sell and…

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It is a trend to see denominational pastors take an aggressive stand against non-denominational ministries. Their reason: “They always end up as a denominational church”. Yes, non-denominations mostly ended up as a church but is there any church in Nigeria that did not start as a non-denominational ministry? Point to one. From CAC to RCCG, to Deeper Life, to MFM, to WINNERS and so on. It is always a “group of people from different churches meeting together to pray and study the word”. Your Pentecostal or charismatic church is either a breakout from a Church or a non-denominational turned Church.…

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Aboru! Aboye! Abose! There is something called “register” in the English language. “Asalamwalekun” is a register in the Islamic religion, “Aboru” is a register to the Ifa religion, “Praise God” is a register in Christianity. An Islamic cleric will not stand before his congregants and shout “PRAISE GOD”. Then begins to explain that God is an English word for Allah. There’s something called a strange fire. Two sons of Aaron lost their lives because of it. Strange fire is when you introduce a foreign concept used for worship in a pagan religion to the worship of the Almighty God. This…

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Some of the believers that criticised prophets whose predictions failed in the last elections seem to be happy doing so. I feel it’s because they don’t operate in the prophetic office and they are jealous too. They quickly compare today’s prophets with the Old Testament prophets. What they don’t know is that the OT prophets related more “naturally” thus the 100% accuracy, 100% of the time. They saw as if they were seeing with their natural eyes. They heard as if a man was talking to a man. They were given both the word and the interpretation. Today’s prophets approach…

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If you have to do crowd-funding or fundraising for a project in your ministry, believe me, YOU DON’T NEED THAT THING. Pastor Ife, break it down. If You want to buy a gadget or construct a temple for instance and you have to share the ministry’s or personal account details all over social media for people to donate THEN YOUR MINISTRY DOES NOT NEED THAT STRUCTURE. You can put such information out on the ministry’s website, handles, programme, and forum but when it becomes what you share to your personal status or handle and members even broadcast it on their…

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When a child of God desires a breakthrough and sows a seed towards it. Be it marital, financial, healing, academic or what have you; they will receive their desired expectations and in addition, get back what they gave in money or material in multiple folds.Your sacrifice is a proof of your love and faith. In response, God would refund what you gave together with your testimony because a child of God is not expected to pay for anything. Christ has freely given us all things. This is where many missed it. Some thought that were paying for a miracle while…

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Writing to the Ephesians, Paul said he was excited about their salvation. But then, he has one major prayer for them. That seems like you becoming an American citizen and your uncle writing to congratulate you. And then, trying hard to explain to you the privileges you have as an American citizen. For instance, you won’t have issues getting a visa into any other country of the world. But if you don’t realize that, you won’t be excited about your new status. You will think that it is just an additional certificate.This my same prayer for YOU tonight and for…

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I received an inspiration on how to overcome boredom while reading the Bible and to make the Bible something that you will be eager to read every day some years ago. I have a sketch of it in my article titled “BIBLE READING CATALYST,” and I later wrote a book on it titled “MY BIBLE, MY FRIEND.” The testimonies I’ve received personally from this article and book were just amazing. I give thanks to God for using this tool as a great instrument of revival in the body of Christ.The book is priced at #3,000/$5 but will be available for…

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