Since you guys will not allow me to rest on this question “collect and let me rest”. Lolz. That’s just a joke. Let’s talk this thing once and for all.
The book of 1 Corinthians 8:1 till end captures it and so, I will just summarise it and also allude to other Scriptures on it.
NB: my note is not about a particular religion, my reference is within the context of the Bible passages alluded.
1. A portion of an animal killed is offered to an idol or god.
2. The other part is distributed or sold in the market.
3. If you don’t know the source of the meat, just eat don’t trouble yourself.
4. If you know the source, best don’t eat at all rather than shalaye-ing.
5. If you want to eat, check your conscience and check if it affects the faith of younger believers and children around you. These children and young believers won’t stop at just eating meats but may conclude that Christianity is the same with pagan religions or that they can mix freely.
So because of your superior knowledge, a weak believerb for whom Christ died will be destroyed. 1 Corinthians 8:11